Milspouse Testimonies: God Is In Control

by Sarah, Author of Servant Mama

I never planned on being a military spouse. In fact, I thought I married a youth pastor.

Around the time of our first wedding anniversary though, I found myself sitting with my husband in various recruiter’s offices, trying to decide which branch of service would be the best fit and whether he should go the officer or enlisted route.

servant mama military spouse blogger

I always told God that I would go wherever He sent me.

I was willing to go overseas if that’s what He asked, but He never has. For a short while, He sent us to inner-city ministry in one of the worst neighborhoods in Philadelphia.

But then, He sent us to the military.

When I told God, “send me,” Quantico, Fort Leonard Wood, Camp Lejeune, and Fort Story were not the places I had in mind.

Often, God’s plans are not the same as mine, but I know that they are good. One of my favorite verses, Isaiah 55: 8-9 says:

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,

Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,

So are My ways higher than your ways

And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

Over the years, I have accepted that I am not in control. Deployments, PCSs, and waiting on the military to do paperwork have quickly taught me that! I am not in control, but am so thankful that I can rest in the peace of knowing that God is.

One of the most obvious times where I fully depended on God and trusted Him to work out the details of a situation was when I was pregnant with our second child. My husband was deployed, there had been talk of them being extended, and it was very up-in-the-air as to whether or not he would be home in time for our son’s birth.

I was terrified, but I trusted and began to pray very specifically.

I begged God to send my husband home at least one week before my scheduled C-section. You see, I wanted my two-year-old daughter to have at least a little bit of time to get used to having her Papa back home with us before we added a new baby to the mix too.

Although God doesn’t always choose to answer our prayers the way we want Him to, in this case, He did.

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Three weeks before the day of my son’s arrival, another Marine got himself into some trouble. In what I can only describe as events orchestrated by God, my husband was chosen to escort that Marine home from deployment, which gave my daughter (and all of us, really) time to adjust before baby brother arrived!

God is in control. He has proven Himself over and over, and it has been amazing to watch Him work!

It’s not always easy to give up our worry and trust Him though. It takes discipline and practice. Here are five things I do that help me strengthen my trust and faith in God’s abilities:

  1. Be in the Word. Read it and soak it up.
  2. Pray in faith and ask others to do the same.
  3. Listen to Christian music to remind yourself of His promises.
  4. Remember His provision in the past. Keep a record of some sort, even just a list on a piece of paper, of all the ways He has demonstrated His faithfulness to your family in the past.
  5. Take brave steps and give Him room to work.

I often feel that we don’t see God at work more in our lives because we don’t give Him room to work. Thankfully military life provides plenty of opportunities to practice this!

We must not be afraid to step out of our comfort zones, and do the very things we don’t feel adequately prepared for or capable of doing. Often those moments are when we need Him most. Those moments allow Him the opportunity to show up and get all the glory.

I am in the midst of one of those brave steps right now. I am working to turn my ministry to military spouses into an official non-profit.

“Dear MilSpouse” sends personalized care packages to military spouses. Our goal is to ensure that no military spouse feels alone during a deployment, other separation, or difficult season of military life. We want to provide each of them with encouragement and hope. We want them to know that as they serve their families and their countries that what they do matters and is appreciated.

I don’t feel equipped or qualified for this endeavor. But I am obediently following what God has asked of me and trusting that He is in control and that He will provide.

(If you want to learn more about Dear MilSpouse and what we’re doing, click here.)

Don’t let fear stop you from taking your own brave step. Trust that He is in control. If He has sent you, He will sustain you. How can you trust God to show up this week?

Don’t let fear stop you from taking your own brave step. Trust that God is in control.Click To Tweet



Sarah is the military wife and homeschooling mama behind the blog, Servant Mama. She is daily striving (and struggling!) to love and serve Jesus by loving and serving those around her. Her latest adventures include weekly trips to Chick-fil-a, prepping for a PCS, and turning her military spouse ministry into an official non-profit. Help make her brave step a reality by donating to Dear MilSpouse today!