What Not to Wear in Japan, South Korea, Germany, & Italy

High concentrations of OCONUS military installations are located in Japan, South Korea, Germany, and Italy. If your family gets an overseas assignment, it’s up to you how much you choose to adopt cultural standards in your new home. But would you even know what to wear? Take the quiz to find out!

How many pairs of shoes might you need for one day in Japan?

Correct! Wrong!

Which outfit is more appropriate in South Korea?

Correct! Wrong!

You’ve decided to take a quick trip to the Italian coast. You wore a swim suit, strappy top, shorts, and flip-flops to the beach, but decide to walk into town for lunch. First, you should:

Correct! Wrong!

It’s the middle of summer and you’re headed to visit some of the exquisite churches near your home in Italy. Which outfit is more appropriate?

Correct! Wrong!

In Germany,

Correct! Wrong!

In Italy, which brand is sure to help you blend in?

Correct! Wrong!

What Not to Wear in Japan, South Korea, Germany, & Italy
You're an On-Trend Expert!
You know how to fit in like a chameleon, which allows you to have more authentic cultural experiences.
You Fit Right In!
You may have make a faux pas or two, but you mostly know how to dress the part.
Maybe do some reading before you go.
If you want to adhere to local norms, you might want to read up on fashion in whichever country you're headed to.

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